Nepid has undertaken a wide range of projects since its inception in 2005, mostly related to mining, industry and water resource development (dams & hydropower). The company has worked in over 15 countries in Africa and in many of the major river basins in Africa, including the Congo, Limpopo, Nile, Orange and Zambezi Basins.
Key Projects Since Inception
2005 | Lesotho | Maloti-Drakensberg Transfrontier Park. Bioregional Conservation and Development Plan – Aquatic Ecosystems. Maloti Drakensberg Transfrontier Park, Lesotho. |
2006 | Malawi | Kayelekera Uranium Project. Pre-mining survey of aquatic ecosystems. Baseline survey, impact assessment and recommendations for mitigation and monitoring. Knight Piésold Consulting Engineers, Rivonia, for Paladin Africa Limited. |
2007 | Eritrea | Asmara Gold Project. Pre-mining survey of aquatic ecosystems at three proposed mining areas: Adi Nefas, Emba Derho and Debarwa. Gold Corporation, Vancouver. |
2008 | Swaziland | Komati and Lomati Rivers Ecological Water Requirement (EWR) Policy. Development of an Environmental Water Requirement Policy and Implementation Plan for the lower Komati and Lomati Rivers in South Africa and Swaziland. Komati Basin Water Authority, Piggs Peak, Swaziland |
2009 | Namibia | Baynes Hydro-electric Scheme, Kunene River. Baseline survey and impact assessment of proposed hydro-power facilities in the Baynes Mountains, Kunene River- Aquatic Ecosystems. Environmental Resources Management (ERM) (Pty) Ltd, Cape Town, for Nampower, Windhoek. |
2010 | Ethiopia | Mandaya and Beko-Abo Multipurpose Projects, Blue Nile. Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) of two proposed hydro-electric power stations in the Blue Nile (Abbay) River. Biodiversity Aspects. Halcrow, UK, for Ministry of Water Resources of the Government of Ethiopia, Addis Ababa. |
2011 | Mozambique | Muanza Limestone Quarry. Biodiversity Action Plan for a limestone quarry within the Gorongosa National Park, to meet IFC requirements. Cimentos de Mozambique/Cimentos de Portugal, Lisbon. |
2012 | Lesotho | Lesotho Highlands Development Project Phase 1. Collection of complementary biophysical monitoring data and assessment of implementation of Instream Flow Requirement (IFR). Lesotho Highlands Development Authority (LHDA), Maseru. |
2013 | Angola | Cambambe Hydroelectric Facility. Development of a Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) for raising Cambambe Dam, Cunene River. Environmental Resources Management (Pty) Ltd (ERM), Cape Town, for Odebrecht, Brazil. |
2014 | Cameroon | Nkout Iron-Ore Mine ESIA. Baseline survey of aquatic ecosystems (habitats; diatoms; macroinvertebrates; fish) and Impact Assessment for proposed Nkout Iron-Ore Mine, Congo and Ogooue River Basins. Environmental Resources Management Ltd (ERM), Edinburgh, for Caminex. |
2015 | Mozambique | EIA for the Proposed Sasol Pipeline from Temane Liquids Processing Facility to a Floating Storage & Offloading Unit Offshore. Aquatic ecosystems. Environmental Resources Management (Pty) Ltd (ERM), Cape Town, for Sasol Petroleum Mozambique Limitada. |
2016 | Tanzania | Mbeya Coal to Power Project ESIA. Baseline survey of aquatic ecosystems (habitats; diatoms; macroinvertebrates) and Impact Assessment for proposed coal mine and power station at Mbeya, Lake Rukwa Catchment. Shangoni Management Services (Pty) Ltd, for Mbeya Coal Limited and Mbeya Power Limited. |
2017 | Guinea | Tri-K Gold Bearing Project ESIA. Aquatic ecosystems - Fié River and associated floodplain. EcoRex Environmental Consultants CC, for ABS Africa (Advisory on Business and Sustainability Africa), for submission to Mines of Mandiana SA, in association with Managem. |
2018 | South Africa | Aquatic Ecosystem Rehabilitation Plan. Aquatic ecosystems assessment and rehabilitation plan associated with unauthorised cultivation of eighteen fields in Schoemanskloof. FJ Joubert en Seuns (Pty) Ltd, Schagen, Mpumalanga. |
2019 | Mali | Kobada Gold Project ESIA. Specialist report on aquatic ecosystems. Prepared for Advisory on Business and Sustainability Africa (Pty) Ltd, for submission to Mines of Mandiana SA, in association with Managem. |
2020 | Tanzania | Kakono Hydropower Project. Baseline survey and assessment of impacts of proposed hydro-power project in the Kagera River on aquatic macroinvertebrates. Prepared for SLR Consulting France SAS, Grenoble, France. |
2020 | Morocco | Tizert Copper Mine Project. Baseline survey and assessment of impacts of proposed copper mine on aquatic ecosystems. Prepared for Advisory on Business and Sustainability Africa (Pty) Ltd, for submission to Akka Gold Mining, in association with Managem. |
2020 | Afghanistan | Afghanistan Gas Project. Baseline survey and assessment of impacts of proposed gas project on aquatic ecosystems. Prepared for Dynamic Vision, Kabul, in association with Ecorex. |
2021 | South Africa | Environmental Management Plan for repair and maintenance of water points on Dudley 360 KU. Prepared for Henwood Environmental Solutions (Pty) Ltd, for Sabi-Sand Game Reserve. |
2022 | Rwanda | Ruzizi III Hydro Power Project. Specialist Assessment of Aquatic Ecosystems as part of an ESIA for proposed hydropower project on the Ruzizi River. Prepared for SLR Consulting (France) SAS, Saint-Martin d’Heres, France. |
2023 | Malawi | Mpatamanga Hydro Power Project. Specialist Assessment of Aquatic Ecosystems as part of an ESIA for proposed hydropower project on the Shire River. Prepared for SLR Consulting (France) SAS, Saint-Martin d’Heres, France. |
2024 | eSwatini | Eswatini Water Supply and Sanitation Access Project: Integrated River Health Monitoring Plan for the Upper Mkhondvo River. Prepared for the Eswatini Water Services Corporation, Mbabane. |
Baynes Hydro, Cunene River, 2009 Biodiversity Team, Mozambique, 2014 Biodiversity Team, Tri-K, Guinea, 2017 Delana Louw, Shael Koekemoer, Pretoria, 2016 Denis Tweddle, Lumwana, Zambia, 2007 EWR Fish Team, Sendelingsdrif, Orange River, 2012 Gerhard Diedericks, Limpopo, 2010 Hermian Roux, Pieter Kotze, NorthWest, 2010
Countries of Work Experience